- "Stochastic models, algorithms and applications (Stochamp), Sofia University, grant No 80-10-87/25.03.2021.
- (EUROCC) National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC,2020-2022, grant No #951732, EC H2020.
- "Stochastic models, algorithms and applications (Stochamp), Sofia University, grant No 80-10-116/16.04.2020.
- (NI4OS-Europe) National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe, 2019 - 2022.
- (DEBD) Digitization of the economy in an environment of Big data, 2018 - 2023.
- NGIC: "National Geo-Information Centre", 2018-2023, # DO1-161, funded by Ministry of Education and Science
- "Stochastic models, algorithms and applications (Stochamp), Sofia University, grant No 80-10-27/2019.
- VI-SEEM: "VRE for Regional Interdisciplinary Communities in Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean", October 2015 - September 2018, # 675121, EC H2020.
- Contract 146 of Sofia University "Stochastic models, algorithms and applications (Stochamp), grant No 80-10-222/2018.
- The EGI-InSPIRE-European Grid Initiative: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe, 2010-2014, FP7 RI contract # 261323.